Minimalism is trending but don’t purge your closet just …
Minimalism is nothing new, it has been around for ages and it had some peak moments a few years ago as a lifestyle choice. But…
Minimalism is nothing new, it has been around for ages and it had some peak moments a few years ago as a lifestyle choice. But…
Marturisesc ca imi place din ce in ce mai mult directia spre care se indreapta moda feminina in ultimii ani. Eu personal pun mereu confortul…
EN: I’ve been wanting for some time one of these super sexy cage bras or strappy bralettes that are trending this season. But even though…
Q: Who should be wearing loose dovetail tops, T-shirts and vests? Spoiler: Everyone. EN: Dovetail tops are sexy, cozy and forgiving. They could easily become…
Bonasera! Nu stiu cum se face, dar de fiecare data cand sunt hotarata sa imi trimit blogul sa doarma cu pestii din diverse motive, cum…
#dear_romania, Cu siguranta ai aflat deja din cel putin 10 surse diferite ca incepand din 2 aprilie, Zara Romania a deschis portile virtuale ale shop-ului…
Dilema zilei: de ce 99% din tricourile cu texte imprimate sunt asa stupide? Who makes up this shit? Sa luam spre exemplu noua si vechea…